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The estimate we provide will include all that is needed to do the job; materials, labor,any repairs.  There is no hidden cost in the estimate

We believe in NOT charging our customers for measures and we go the extra mile to answer any questions or concerns.

Leslie is in the shop 6 days a week to walk you through each product and tell you about the features and the benefits, so that you can decide on what product you would like to own.  Leslie has a knack for putting color and designs together



The subcontractors we work with are on time to work,they work hard, they put in full days and they finish the job.  

we have been working with the same 3 to 4 subcontractors for several years now thier work is fantastic. Customers have been very impressed how these guys work to make sure that the job is perfect, just as if they were putting this in their own home

We believe in our products we carry and we also believe in on how well the product is installed.  The products have guarantees and we gaurantee our work for 1 year.

Living in a small community it is very important to us that we provide the highest level of customer service, in the showroom, to the measures, to the installation. The showroom is full of all the current products and we stay open year round .  We will only carry top manufacters that deliver high quality products and that will  stand up to our  beach weather and all the sand and dirt.  We DO NOT work on" beach time. " The sub contractors we use are licenced and bonded, they show up, work hard, and finish the job







​for a price estimation



we are only a phone call away

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